How to Make Soursop Tea? (A Cancer Fighting Herb)

How to Make Soursop Tea? (A Cancer Fighting Herb)

Soursop tea has exploded in popularity for a reason: studies suggest it might hold the key to unlocking a staggering 215% of your daily recommended Vitamin C in a single serving!

This immune-boosting wonder isn't just about flavor; it's about harnessing the power of nature to supercharge your health.

Recent studies also have shown that soursop leaves have a diverse range of anticancer effects.

Therefore, the soursop plant became a popular and natural remedy for many people with cancer.

It has an exotic tropical taste and smell.

Also, it comes with a slightly sour and sweet taste.

This tea is for almost everyone, as it is not only healthy but also refreshing and tasty.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at how to make soursop tea at home.

It also covers everything from picking the right ingredients to making tea in different ways.

We'll cover the best benefits and serving tips.

Whether you're new to soursop tea or looking to refine your technique, this guide will help you make the perfect cup!

What Is Soursop and Why Its Leaves Are Best?

Soursop is a fruit that grows in the wild nature of the Caribbean, Central America, and parts of South America.

It is a member of the Annonaceae family, characterized by its spiky green outer shell and white pulp dotted with black seeds.

This fruit is not only loved for its sweet and sour taste but is also valued for its potential medicinal merits.

In particular, the leaves of the soursop tree have received the most interest due to their antineoplastic potential (the ability of natural products, such as plants, to inhibit or kill cancerous cells.

Soursop has some amazing ingredients.

They include acetogenins (molecules causing tumor cell death), alkaloids (effective for various types of cancers both in vitro and in vivo), and phenols (treat chronic pain).

These can, in theory, kill cancer cells.

For instance, acetogenins hinder ATP production in cancer cells.

They damage their cell membranes, causing apoptosis, which is typical cell death.

Furthermore, the leaf is recognized for its high antioxidant content, which includes vitamins C and E.

These elements scavenge free radicals.

Free radicals have been linked to oxidative stress, inflammation, and DNA damage.

These can cause cancer.

The exact manner of soursop’s possible anticancer properties remains unclear.

But, some studies show that this herbal tea helps cancer patients fight against cancer cells.

Soursop Tea Benefits

Antioxidant properties:

Soursop contains antioxidants such as vitamins C and B, carotenoids, flavonoids, and polyphenols.

Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and oxidative stress to defend cells from damage.

It also helps to build up the immune system against infections.

Anti-inflammatory effects:

Studies have found that soursop extracts can diminish inflammation among soursop tea’s chemical components.

Soursop tea has anti inflammatory properties that can decrease inflammation caused by arthritis, heart disease, and other stomach issues.

Cancer-fighting capabilities:

Test tube and animal cancer research have found that soursop chemicals may inhibit the formation and replication of several varieties of human cancer models familiar to doctors.

These include the realities of breast, prostate, lung, and pancreatic cancer disease.

Immunity-boosting abilities:

Soursop is high in vitamin C and antioxidants that boost cellular strength.

Clients can also stay healthy by avoiding sickness and bacterial ailments with the help of soursop tea.

The mix of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory chemicals, and nutrients available in soursop enhances its potential impact and explains why it is so beneficial.

Soursop tea could minimize your risk of chronic disease by reducing oxidative stress, inflammation, and extreme free formation.

Soursop Tea Leaves and Cancer: How Does It Work?

In recent years, the Soursop has become a superfood in the medical field. It has properties that fight cancer.

Although research in this area is limited.

There is insufficient clinical evidence to draw valid conclusions about the fruit’s ability to fight cancer.

But, several promising studies have been published on the subject.

The soursop's anti-cancer properties have many aspects.

The first and most obvious is the bioactive compounds in its parts.

The fruit, leaves, and seeds contain several compounds.

These include natural acetogenins, alkaloids, flavonoids, pentacyclic triterpenes, and phenols.

All of these have anti-cancer effects.

Some suggest these compounds can stop cancer cells by pausing the cell cycle or triggering cell death.

Another mechanism is to inhibit angiogenesis.

This is the formation of new blood vessels needed for tumor growth.

Moreover, the soursop is a rich source of vitamins, particularly vitamins C and E, which fight oxidative stress associated with cancer.

The fruit contains polyphenols that prevent inflammation, a unique cancer development mechanism.

Although the data is early, soursop has a future as a natural cancer remedy.

How To Make Soursop Tea - Easy Soursop Tea Recipe

How To Make Soursop Tea - Easy Soursop Tea Recipe

Preparing a delicious cup of soursop tea is easy with just a few simple ingredients and steps.

Ingredients Needed

Soursop leaves - The most important ingredient! Use fresh or dried soursop leaves. About 8-10 leaves is a good amount for one cup of tea.

Water -Filtered or spring water is best. Use enough water to submerge the leaves while brewing.

Optional flavorings - Lemon, honey, cinnamon, or ginger can be nice additions.

To buy Jamaican soursop leaves, check out our carefully selected range available Here. We source our leaves directly from Jamaica to ensure the best quality for your tea.


You'll need this equipment to prepare soursop tea:

  • A kettle to boil water

  • A teapot, French press, or heatproof container to brew the tea

  • A strainer or tea ball to separate the leaves

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Rinse the soursop leaves to remove any dirt or debris.

  2. Bring water to a rolling boil in a kettle. Use 1 cup of water per serving.

  3. Place the leaves in your brewing vessel and pour the boiling water over them.

  4. Allow the tea to steep for 5-7 minutes. Longer steeping will intensify the flavor.

  5. Press or strain the leaves from the tea. Avoid over-steeping, as the tea can become bitter.

  6. Add any optional flavorings like lemon, honey, or spices.

  7. Enjoy the fresh soursop tea! Drink it in hot water or chilled.

After consuming soursop, the body may feel the effects of heat, but no side effects.

To cool the body, drink 3 glasses of fresh watermelon juice and 3 glasses of goat's milk daily.

In 2 weeks, you can feel the benefits of soursop yourself, and in 4 weeks, the improvements can be felt clearly.

Note: Drink soursop tea 30 minutes before eating.

Choosing the Right Soursop Leaves

When selecting leaves for making soursop leaf tea or soursop juice, it's important to pick fresh, healthy leaves.

Avoid any that are dried out or brown in color. The best leaves will be vibrant green.

Look for leaves that are whole and intact, not tattered or torn.

They should feel supple and flexible, not crispy or brittle.

Examine both sides of the leaf to check for insect damage, discoloration, or spots.

If possible, harvest leaves directly from a soursop tree yourself.

Pick fresh or dried leaves.

You can also pick from different areas of the tree to get a blend.

Pluck only the healthiest, undamaged leaves near the tips of the branches.

If buying pre-packaged dried soursop leaves, inspect them carefully before purchasing.

Make sure they are not broken into small pieces or powder.

Look for whole, fresh or dried leaves that retain their original green leaves color and aren't faded.

They should seem fresh, not musty or stale.

Choosing high quality, fresh soursop leaves is an important first step in brewing a flavorful cup of soursop tea.

The condition and vibrancy of the leaves will directly impact the taste and potency of the tea.

Advanced Soursop Leaf Tea Recipes

Soursop tea can be drunk both hot and cold, and supplemented with other ingredients to both enrich the flavor and promote additional health benefits.

There are many advanced soursop tea recipes that people can incorporate into their daily diet:

Easy Soursop Leaf Tea with Honey

Fruit leaves tea consumed with honey naturally combines well with the tart flavor of soursop and is a perfect match with the taste of the tea:

  • Brew a cup of soursop tea by using 1-2 soursop tea bags or 3-5 dried soursop leaves.

  • Steep the tea for 5-7 minutes.

  • Add 1-2 teaspoons of raw, organic honey and mix until completely dissolved.

Soursop Leaf Tea and Lemon

The aromatic zest of lemon suits soursop tea’s tropical overtones just as well. You have to consider that lemon is high in vitamin C. The recipe is as follows:

  • Make a cup of 1-2 soursop tea bags or 3-5 dried ones.

  • Allow the tea to seethe for half a minute to seven minutes.

  • Squeeze in some fresh lemon juice 1/4 to 1/2 of a lemon.

Iced Soursop Leaf Tea

Hot brewed soursop tea can be chilled and enjoyed cold. With ice, the natural infusion’s gentle sweetness is appealing. Here’s how to make iced soursop tea:

  • Use a double amount of soursop tea bags or soursop leaves.

  • Allow the tea to cool after the boiling process is started.

  • Put a glass of tea on the table.

Drink the tea with ice in a large glass. While making soursop tea, keep in mind that soursop has a cooling flavor.

Soursop Tea with Other Herbs

Explore the possibilities of merging soursop and other beneficial herbs. Ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, and other options are available. Here’s how it’s done:

  • Prepare a hot cup of soursop tea just like before.

  • For example, add a 1⁄2-inch knob of ginger, 1⁄4 teaspoon of cinnamon or turmeric, and a few mint leaves.

  • Pour some hot tea back and let it absorb the flavor.

Safety and Precautions - Don't Overuse It!

Most people can safely consume soursop tea without any adverse effects as long as they don’t overdo it.

Nonetheless, like any other herbal remedy, there are several side effects and precautions that you should take into account.

These include the following:

Digestive problems

Drinking excessive soursop tea can disturb healthy digestion and lead to digestive issues such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

This happens because soursop, in addition to acids, also contains fiber, which can result in stomach upset and negatively irritate the digestive tract.

As a result, it is recommended that the amount of soursop be reduced to avoid digestive problems while continuing to use soursop tea.


Some researchers have identified soursop as a neurotoxin because it contains a chemical known as annonacin.

Animal studies show that high levels of annonacin from soursop cause neurodegenerative disorders.

Nonetheless, soursop tea typically contains a low concentration of annonacin.

To get neurotoxic, one would have to consume excessively large amounts of soursop, which is unrealistic and highly unlikely to occur.

Movement Disorders

In addition to neurotoxicity, high doses of annonacin may potentially cause movement disorders such as ataxia (loss of muscle control) and Parkinson's disease.

However, these adverse effects are unlikely to occur from occasional consumption of soursop tea.

Low Blood Pressure

Soursop may also have constrictive properties, as several patients reported it to have hypotensive properties.

For high blood pressure, the latter is generally beneficial.

However, it may involve dizziness, lightheadedness, and falls.

HBP patients regularly taking medications should ask their doctor whether it is reasonable to drink soursop tea.

In other words, soursop tea has many positive elements and several negative ones.

Therefore, it is important to remember to use it in moderation for those who want to try it.

If you have a history of blood circulation issues or disease or are prone to allergies, ask your doctor about the possibility of drinking the mentioned tea.

Frequently Asked Questions - Find More About Soursop Leaf Tea

Where Can I Buy Soursop Leaves?

Dried soursop leaves are readily available through our online store as well as at herbal shops, health food stores, and select food retailers. We prioritize offering food-grade, organic soursop leaves to ensure the highest quality. Fresh leaves, typically found only in tropical regions where the soursop tree thrives, are also sourced directly by us for utmost freshness.

Can I Eat The Soursop Fruit Instead Of Drinking The Tea?

Soursop fruit may be consumed and provide benefits comparable to those of tea. The creamy, tangy flesh or soursop leaf extract is often likened to a combination of pineapple and strawberry. It is high in fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B, and antioxidants. Soursop seeds should be avoided.

Can I Drink Soursop Tea Every Day?

Soursop tea in moderate quantities or one or two cups per day is safe. The quantities of tea drunk each may be increased as long as there are no effects. Does Soursop Have Caffeine? Soursop tea does not contain caffeine. Caffeine is present in the tea. However, some stimulants may offer you an energy boost.

Can A Child Drink Soursop Tea?

Soursop tea is generally safe for children to drink in moderation. However, it's advisable to consult with a paediatrician before giving soursop tea to a child, especially if they have any underlying health conditions or allergies.


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